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Struggling with insecurities or self doubt?

The Dictionary defined insecurity as a lack of confidence in one's self. 
Simply put, self doubt.

I struggled with this for a long time growing up and I know I am an authority in this area. I can tell you how to deal with it and how to be completely free, all glory to God.

Jesus worked some fine wonders in me and I am thankful!

I use to struggle with insecurity in these areas:
  • My weight. I've always been chubby and big boned. Growing up, I had people that would comment on this in jest. I hated it and I wanted to be so trim and perfect until the holyspirit dealt with it. I have the most beautiful figure, straight legs, hips and fat in the right places but because I fed their words into me as the truth... I TRIED to be someone else. I would exercise till my knees almost gave up. I would take weightloss pills. I would take detox teas. I spent alot of money... until Jesus took the wheel.
- The holyspirit helped me through this. I learned to see my body through the perfect eyes of God and I accepted who I was: a beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully made woman. 
I started to eat right, Exercise on some days and take care of my skin. The reward is mindblowing, I have the most clearest skin and most importantly I no longer struggle with being trim perfectly. I have no business doubting Gods handiwork BUT I have a duty to take care of my body.

  • Finances. I needed to look rich and look like i had it all perfectly put together. This was because money was not easy to come by for my family when i was growing up and I had people that stopped being friends with me or talking to me when they found out i Didn't have a silver spoon. I know this paid off because I learned to work and the results pay out daily BUT I was plagued with the spirit of perfection and I tried so hard to please people! This is a terrible place to be at. It's like three evils in one but the holyspirit dealt with it.
- I have since learned, all glory to God, that I honestly do now have to look like I'm perfect in order to "pepper people" or please anyone. I also do not have the power to make everything work out perfectly. I can only TRUST GOD and as I work he blesses me. 
In some seasons, I can afford some things. In some seasons, I cannot. This does not make me less of who I am but God works in me In  ALL SEASONS and i grow from glory to glory. 
If i cannot afford something, i say it. If someone as a lifestyle i cannot afford, I do not try to be like them. 
In all seasons, I am content and going from glory to glory. I have since learned to save because the life I want cannot magically appear. All these I learned at the foot of christ. I learned to surrender and live for an audience of one: Jesus Christ.

These were core areas for me. I have since been set free from this bondage since I learned to go before God daily and believe the truth of God's word. I learned to trust God.

The only way to deal with insecurities is to surrender that area to God, search for the truth concerning that area in God's word, believe it. Speak it as many times till your natural mind conceives it. You will be tested but with God's truth (word) as an armor, you will be victorious. 

My own definition of insecurity is being so doubtful of God's promises in your life that in fear, you believe the devils lies.

The devil is out to kill, steal an destroy. He will fight your confidence and peace in any area and the only way to win this battle is KNOWING who you are in christ and that is found in the bible. God's absolute truth.

If you are struggling with insecurity,  I implore you to surrender that area to God. If you find yourself always lashing out at people, being rude, always getting angry etc. There is a root of insecurity right there because subconsciously, you believe that is the way to handle situations so that people don't hurt you or take you for granted. You're afraid.

I knew a guy that USED TO always break up with women at the slightest provocation. He would ask multiple times if that person truly loves him. This is because he was so insecure that he BELIEVED he was unlovable and he had insecurities rooted in the fact that he felt he hadn't achieved a certain financial level in his life that would make him worthy of love from his partner at the time. He was dealing with dual insecurity.

The enemy will do anything to steal your peace, joy, confidence or love Because your joy,peace or confidence is where your strength lies!
 Strength to pick up your cross daily and follow christ. 

Today, do a heart check. Ask yourself why you respond in ways that aren't so graceful. I used to quickly shut people out when they make a mistake especially when it pertains to things I knew I wouldn't do to them. Until the holyspirit pointed out to me that I was " exalting myself above all others". At the base of this behavior was an insecurity rooted in my fear of people hurting me or taking me for grants. 
So, there was never a chance of forgiveness. I just shut it down, buried the hurt or betrayal and moved on. I am definitely not this way again BUT if you are, do a heart check and go back to your first love.

Love covers a multitude of sins. You have to show your love and one way is forgiveness and giving second chances. Especially if the person is truly sorry and wants to make amends.

I do not applaud toxicity or violence. If you are in a situation like that, please leave. 
God is a God of order and peace. 
One way I know something or someone is not for me is by the absence of peace.

It is written, "The gift of God makes you RICH and adds NO SORROW" proverbs 10:22

Surrender your insecurities to the lord and see how peaceful your life gets. One way to tell that there is an area that you haven't truly surrendered to God is how a situation  hurts you or how you react to something or something someone did to you.

Trust God, give him your garbage and watch your life transform.

I love you, now and always!


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