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Let go of the Past!

 I've been super busy with growing a business and managing my family- hence my short absence. But I am back for real!

Today, my topic is a little bit personally inspired but one thing I've always promised you, my dear readers is to be totally honest and in the light of that, you learn and God alone be glorified. This blog is so personal and my desire is that the multitude come to christ via my words.

My truth in ink.

I am a dreamer and quite recently I added a DOER to my list. I dream of something? I begin to work towards it intentionally.

 Now, there are times I get bored but the holy spirit has helped me to remain faithful to my garden even when I loose that first excitement that comes with a starting a new project or a love attraction. As I go through life, I realise that every season we go through is for a reason and notably to prepare us for something we prayed for or a season God so desires for us. 

Again, I digress... to the topic at hand.

Ten years ago, I applied for schools in Canada and during my pursuit of this grand project in my life,  I met a man that would almost alter the course of my life. 

You see, he was introduced to me by a dear friend that he would help me out with this project of schooling abroad. He did help me and shortly after.. began to ask for a relationship. I was 18years, young and completely clueless. 

Now, I pray about EVERYTHING. Down to going down to the salon, when something does not feel right, the holy spirit tells me. Now, this was one of them. God told me to end that relationship because that man was not his plan for me.

I did.

He came back.

It became a toxic cycle of back and forths over the years and this man sabotaging any real chance of a healthy relationship I would have.

Now,growing up. My dad was not always present and this man was the only Male figure that I had in my life at the time. He fed a lot of lies to me that almost changed the course of my life!

Lies like:

1. You're not good enough 

2. Nobody will love you as well as I would

3. Nobody will care enough for you as well as I would

4. Remember you come from a home that doesn't matter, who would respect you. Stick with me.

And a bunch of other things I can't completely remember. 

I believed these lies for so long that it built some sort of desperation for companionship because subconsciously, I wanted to prove him wrong. I wanted to spite him.

I want to quickly say that, when you give your life to God and trust him with every tiny detail. Nothing else matters. Societal pressure or societal timetable won't faze you. 

Just live for God, drink your water and mind your business!

These lies almost shaped my life till I came to christ. What liberation I felt! To know that the enemy was using him all along to steal my joy and birth a whole level of insecurity that would almost hurt me later.

But before I came to christ, I believed these lies for so long it hurt me deep. I lost friendships, love attractions, positions because the enemy spoke through a willingly vessel (plagued with insecurity and bitterness as well) and I believed. 

What lies have you been believing?

It could be as little as believing you won't get a particular job because.... I don't even care the reason. 

IT'S A LIE. Pure and simple.

The bible said, in the book of psalms 5:12

The righteous will be surrounded with favor as with a shield. 

It also says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that, His grace is sufficient for us.

Incase you didn't know what grace meant, it's Gods ability IN YOU to do things that you would never do in the flesh and it works for everything! Including living a holy life.

God saved me from this but then the enemy came at me with regrets of the past! Now, I am a very detailed person. Things have to follow an order, when it doesn't. I freak out.

Imagine the state of my mind when I realized all the good things I have lost because of the lies of the enemy! God came through and freed me from my past. But it came with a lot of work, meditation on the word of God and believing ONLY God's word.

I am still a work in progress. 

If you are struggling with some lies of the devil or letting go of your past, these suggestions may help. - it helped me.

1. Go to God! Bear your heart. In all honestly tell him how you feel, the truth you wouldn't tell anyone. The bible says in psalms 34:18 "he is close to the broken hearted and binds up their wounds". Tell him all the mistakes and failed scenarios. Ask him to help you forget and believe his word.

2. Open up your heart to receive Gods love!! Two days ago,my mother called me on the phone and I didn't respond. I called her back and she didn't pick up. A friend of mine that was with me when she called said, " she is probably angry with you". My response was, "Nooo! That is So impossible,  my mother has a very soft spot for me, she would never be that angry". At that moment,  the holy spirit told me that God loves me Much more than my mother and that's the attitude we should have towards him!!! God loves you too much to be so angry that he would accept you into his arms. He loves you so much that nothing can faze him. Come to God and receive the love he gives freely in christ Jesus. 

3. Get busy! An idle mind is the devil's workshop. While I truly have a desire to get married, I am working on my grass, building a business, making friends, travelling,  planning to travel more and be all that christ paid the price for me to be! For me, it was failed relationships. For you, it could be something else. GET BUSY  and stop thinking.

4. Stop worrying and start creating healthy habits or feeding your hobbies. I personally LOVE to read. 

5. Read your bible everyday fam. Get a devotional. Read Gods word. You will NOT know the truth if you don't read it. How will you fight against the enemy's woes?

6. Believe ONLY he best- phillipians 4:8 whatever is good, true, holy, pure, admirable, excellent, of good report- think about those things. Believe only the truth.

I have a book club where we read a book and discuss it over lunch or dinner two sundays in a month. It's my excuse to dress up,look good and have great company. Plus take lots of dope pictures! Please click the link to join below๐Ÿ˜Š

(you can copy the link in a browser and just join the WhatsApp group.)

Today, my message is very simple: Don't believe the lies!

 If what you have been believing is not in line with God's word- it's a lie. And forgive yourself. Receive Gods grace and mercy into your heart. You can't undo the past BUT you can have a glorious life from here on!

Jesus said in John 11:40 - if you believe, you will see the glory of God.

 Now think about it, if you believe the lies of the devil or hold unto past mistakes YOU WILL SEE THE MANIFESTATIONS in your life.

Today, the man I talked about earlier came back to hunt me. This is ten years later and I have the full armour of God and his truth on my chest cavity and I told him off. He was so pained but I truly felt liberated. He came back professing fake love but I was not having it. I shut that lie back into hello from whence it came!

The enemy will TRY you. Even after you surrender it all to God, he will come back. But hold unto the truth, hold it close. Jesus won the victory on the cross so stand firm CONFIDENTLY.

Whatever it is- let go of yesterday. 

Stop believing the lies!

P.S- tomorrow, we will discuss skincare for beginners and all the good stuff I use to glow up my skin.๐Ÿ™‚

Love always,



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