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Times and Seasons....

 I struggled with the title of this piece. 

The goal is to get you to understand that every season of your life is authored by God. Even the ones you do not like or seem to be burdensome. 

Acts 1:7 
He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority

There is a time for everything.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.. + Ecclesiastes 3:1

This does not take away the fact that sometimes, a season may need to last a little while and due to our decisions, it tarries for a very long time. Remember the story of the isrealites, and how they tarried in the wilderness for 40years because of complaining! 

Personally, I've learned that staying in sin, living in disobedience can keep you in a "wilderness" for a really long time. You cannot be dishonest in your dealings and expect the superatural blessings of God. You cannot keep fornicating and expect God to bless your relationship with your partner, the bible says

" He that finds a wife, has found a good thing and obtains favor from the lord'', proverbs 18:22.
You need to be obedient to God's promises to enjoy the immense favor that comes from a union.

There are different seasons in life. There would be a time that everything seems to be working just fine and a time you can almost swear you are cursed or under attack by the devil. I have been there. Just as it is written, there is a time for rejoicing and a time for sorrow.

Over time, I have come to understand that all my times and seasons are in Gods hands. He is the author and finisher of my faith and his plans for me are perfect. see these scriptures:

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. (My favorite)

I've had silent seasons, dry seasons, joyful seasons, seasons I had to be mindful of every coin I spend. I've had seasons of trials and tests, where I had to love, forgive, pray for and bless those that persecute me. In all these things, I realized that everything is working for my own good.

I would not be the woman (in progress) I am today if I did not go through all these numerous seasons.

I do not like trying times. I also do not like times of afflicton or temptation, but these things are expected. It may not be financial, but there can be a test of our faith, love or character. As long as you are in christ.

I remember when I started my second business and I was always falling into some sort of trouble with local government officials that resulted in me paying fines, every other day. It was terrible, Imagine giving away all you have made in two days to fines that did not make sense. 

This pushed me closer to the cross like never before.

I learned three things:

  • I cannot do entrpreneurship without God. Just as I pray over my unborn children and believe God's promises over my life, same applies to my business
  • Challenges has already been won at the cross. I need to stay believing and speaking the truth over my business
  • My relationship with God evolved! I heard him more. I came out more patient. A happier woman because laying it all at his feet and trusting him to move on my behalf changed me. In more ways than one.
One of the ways I was able to thrive during times of affliction was being persistent in prayers, that was the only way I could be patient. Whatever the season, do it at the feet of christ. Staying in his presence.

See what this scripture says:  

Romans 12:12 Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in times of trouble and never stop praying. (CEV version)

For clarity, your hope is in Christ. Your hope is in the price he already paid. Your hope is the promises of God.

Today, I came to tell you that there would be different seasons of your life. The really sweet ones and sour ones. That was how life was designed. The beautiful thing we have in christ Jesus is that, nothing happens to us that he is not aware of. 

See the prove here in one of my most favorite pslams:

My favorite part of this pslam is this verse  "I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night- even the in the darkness I cannot hide from you". This tells me that regardless of what seasons we are, even If it was our doing , he will rescue us.

What season are you currently in? A pleansant one, challenging one, a season of learning? Whatever it is, God is fully aware and in control of your life.

Often times, we are also in a hurry to leave a particular season and jump to the next. Maybe because of man-made expectations or subconsious societal pressure, whatever it is, it seems the majority are in a hurry. Nobody is trying to learn from any season at all.

Regardless of the season (phase of life), there is a lesson to be learned that will make us better for it, all glory to God.

I remember when I was in such a hurry to be married because most of my "peers" were already mothers and then  I had also set an age target for myself! I am truly glad I did not get married then because I have since learned that marriage is a serious covenant before God and Man. It entails A LOT of patience, selflessness, kindness, love and responsibility. This commitment is no joke, and at the time I wanted to settle, Having an "eye candy" was all that mattered to me. Infact, I wanted an "eye candy" and a godly man.

 Needless to say, I was not a godly woman.  I could keep malice for days, I could say words that are not graceful, I ran out of commitments quickly and my vindictive game was 10/10. Nobody would have survived that kind of person for a partner. It took a failed engagement and an abusive relationship to point me back to the feet of christ, where my flaws were dealt with in love and I learned the qualities that were important for a life partner. Most excitedly, the holyspirt imbibed those qualities in me! It's okay to want alot of things from your partner in marriage but are you those things?

That season of my life was the toughest (or so I thought). I thought my village people were after me, I felt the enemy had won but in the end, it was all for my good.

Another season of my life was when I started my first business, I prayed through every process down to getting an approval order from partners in Korea so I could get skincare products for cheap. It worked out. Sales boomed, profits kept rolling in and I was so sure God was just smiling down from heaven to me. What I learned during this season is that God's word is true. He is faithful and merciful. He promised (swore actually), a blessing on all that the righteous do and I saw this play out in my life. I still do, even with the economic state of Nigeria. This season is one of happiness, but it has taught me to trust God AGAINST all odds. So when I began to hit the rocks, I cried and stayed at his feet knowing he will come through. He always does.

I told you every season is for your own good and there is always a lesson. Look into your own affairs and see that this is true.

Recently, I've been going through tests of patience and humilty. I kept thinking, who needs more of that lord, I am good! (it is never enough) lol!

Another reference:

 My employees are all male, all older than me. I've had times that I have been so annoyed and I would say words that are not graceful. This would hurt them and the holyspirit would have me apologize! This was a humbling period for me, till I realized that, regardless of who you think you are in the flesh or what you have, be humble like christ. See the truth here:

Roman 12:3 
For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 

My relationship with them has positively evolved. I gist with them and talk about life during our morning meetings. I plan to introduce devotions but how I treat them or act around them is all the testimony of christ that they need. My life is a witness, even if I am the one paying their salary. I have no idea why God thought I needed to learn this, but I am better for it.

Whatever season, tests or trials you are facing, it is for your own good. Do not give up, do not complain or begin to think the devil has won a victory against you. We all know it's a lie, Jesus won all the victory for us on the cross. Instead, ask the holyspirit to show you what you need to learn and help you learn it. The seasons of refreshing and enjoyment, be thankful and learn through it. That should be prove that hard times would never last ( Ecclesiates 3:1).

Every season of your life is authored by God.

In a few days, I will tell you all about fear and how through the help of the holyspirit, I've been able to overcome fear of failure!

Catch you in a few. Happy new month my lovelies.

Love Always,



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