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Your Child will have jaundice

 Hey guys it's been a very long time! I truly missed writing every other day but life's demands have been too great on me lately that I've not had the time to do some of the things I love. I've finally gotten a hang of most of my responsibilities plus I have help so I am back to stay!

To catch you guys up on some major events that have happened in my life;

  • I have been blessed with the exceptional gift of a daughter!
whew! This blog just got more interesting because I have a ton of things to write about motherhood but not today but definitely in the days to come. I have a lot to share, God has been so good!

Back to our topic, what you believe or receive over your life or that of your loved ones (as I recently discovered) will be what becomes your/their reality. 

A few hours after giving birth to my daughter, I was sitting on the bed, overwhelmed and tired yet somehow with a full heart and feeling so blessed at the same time. While sitting down, the hospital pediatrician walks in to examine my baby, standard practice. She introduced herself, picked up my child, and checked for pulse, reflexes, and skin color. After this, she proceeds to educate me on breastfeeding, how to hold a baby for a proper latch, and the whole nine yards. She sat down, still with my child in hand, and declared "this child will have jaundice".

Before I came to know the truth of God's word, I would have kept quiet, picked up my phone, and begun to google "how to prevent jaundice in newborns'', or "earliest signs of jaundice'', but not today satan because I immediately told her "My child will never have jaundice because I know the covenant I have with God over her life before she got here". The pediatrician told me to keep quiet and that she has the experience and I shut her up respectfully and firmly, repeating myself again I told her my child can never have jaundice. She proceeded to book her for a jaundice test explaining that it is standard procedure, I told her it is fine but the result will be negative. Four days later, the result came back negative with one point past the okay mark and another doctor said she would have it if she was not treated immediately. At this point, I laughed because the devil was trying so hard to sell me jaundice. I refused, and told the doctors she does not have it obviously, she will never have it and I am not subscribing to any preventive treatment. We went home and my daughter never had jaundice

The devil is cunny and he will use people or your own negative thoughts to destroy your life any chance he gets. What are you believing or receiving over your life or your loved ones? words are so powerful they shape our lives and thoughts shape who we become or what we experience. see how i know this:

From the fruit of their lips people enjoy good things, but the unfaithful have an appetite for violence. proverbs 13;2

I think my favorite is this;

By fruitful speech, a man is filled with good things, and the work of his hands returns to him. proverbs 12:14
Mind what you say and most importantly what people say to you. I've found out that the moment you keep quiet, it means you have accepted what is being said. Some may call it rude, for example; "this your child plays too much, are you sure he will be able to read?''. You don't just keep quiet, your response should be, "My child plays as a child should, and when it's time to read he will excel at it". Some people will say it's oversabi but it's being intentional over every word spoken to you or about you in some way or the other.

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work with a firm, and the common practice at the time was letting people go at every small mistake made. We had people being sacked two weeks into the new job and it was really tense in the office. My role required me to deal directly with the boss every day as I was the micromanager/Executive assistant. People kept making the comment that I should get another place to work because I will definitely be next soon. Every single time this was said to me, I would reply "No one can sack me, I will leave when I am ready". That is exactly what happened. I stayed till I was ready to leave. 

Words are so powerful. I remember the day in anger, I said some really terrible things towards my partner and the holy spirit checked me, "you cannot pray for him and curse him at the same time, won't work". See the scripture below;

Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. proverbs 18:21
We have a culture in my home if it's not in God's word then it is not allowed in our lives, speech, or thoughts. In another, I will probably expatiate on how powerful thoughts are and how you can literally shape your life with them. This is so powerful. See how it's written in God's word below;

As a man thinks, so is he. proverbs 23:7

Plain and simple! 

Today, whatever you do, let your words be in line with the truth of God's word. Do not let any negative words or thoughts come near you anything you hold dear because like tiny drops of water make a mighty ocean, so you will wake up one day and find out that your life is a product of your words and thoughts (and even your fears).

I will see you guys in the next post!




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