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From Chaos to Clarity: A Testament to God's Love in the Midst of Adversity

I've heard this Bible verse so many times that it didn't hit me until a few months ago: "He cares about even the minute details of our lives." This is in Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV).

In the first quarter of the year, the Lord led me to pray for strength in the face of adversity and to pray against chaos/division in my marriage. I didn't understand why, seeing that my husband and I were in a GREAT place, navigating our differences with such finesse that would make people jealous! Like we were good, really good, and all was sunny and beautiful in my home. We even had productive discussions about what our "culture" in our home should look like, and we agreed on so many things, including communication and dealing with anger. Agreeing and doing the work were two different things. After we had agreed, mishaps kept coming up, but the Holy Spirit kept helping us remember our culture, so it was mainly a case of dying to pride and selfish tendencies for this new order (that's what I called it! 😆) to prevail in our home.

By every standard, we are still newlyweds, so adrenaline is still hot, but we were winning, in my opinion, so I could not understand why every time I got down to be with my Lord, I'd be led to pray against chaos/division in my marriage and strength in the times of adversity. Until a few days towards the end of the first quarter.

It started as a quiet day. Started with me meeting with the Lord and a simple tiny misunderstanding blew completely out of proportion. I was livid! My husband was livid! Nobody was listening or remembering our "culture," and adrenaline was over the roof! In that moment, we both forgot the Blueprint; in fact, I threw caution to the wind and said, "Let us play in the poto poto." I remember the Holy Spirit tugging at my heartstrings, but I ignored it because somehow I needed so badly to be heard, to "show" my husband that he was wrong! (Bad idea, bad move, wrong agenda).

I have a video of my book review for "Good Morning, Holy Spirit" by Benny Hinn coming up in a few days HERE. That book gave me clarity on what I'm about to tell you.

Things got so heated that talks of separation kept flying back and forth. I refused to be reasonable; this is one of those "our knots loosened" situations, and we both lost sight of the assignment. In my opinion, everyone was serving themselves. I remember our counselor tried to intervene, things quieted down, but there was no true "peace" in our home, or I can now say in hindsight, "absence of the presence of the Holy Spirit."

During those times, I was pained, I knew I needed to forgive and truly let go. I am my Father's daughter; I cannot have animosity in my heart, and even if I did, he would melt it away! 🤣 (I have something coming up about this in a few days!). I felt like I did not have the strength to do anything because emotionally I was drained. But four days after this incidence, I was on my bed, and I whispered, "Holy Spirit, I need you. Come pray for me. Come and forgive for me. Come and heal my heart" and the most amazing thing happened. The Holy Spirit came, and a warmth that I cannot describe filled my heart. I heard the Lord telling me he understood; I SAW him PRAYING for me, I heard the Holy Spirit telling me the words to pray, the words to tell my Father, and like in a vision, I could just see Jesus praying and speaking over me. The Holy Spirit was giving me the words to pray. It was a life-changing experience that left me knowing that God cares about the minute details of our lives, and I saw FIRST HAND what it means when the Bible said, "When I am weak, then he is strong." I know that I am irrevocably LOVED, and you are too.

"when I am weak, he is strong"
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV): "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

That encounter GAVE me peace, removed anger and animosity, and centered me on what my assignment is. By centered, I mean I got supernatural strength to go on and do what I need to do. My resolve was, in this marriage, Jesus alone will be glorified.

People of God, less than one minute after this encounter, my husband comes into the room with the most sincere "I am truly sorry, let's talk sincerely. Tell me what I need to do to be better." I am a work in progress, and with humility, love, and respect, we both had that talk, and we continue to be on a blissful ride.

God knows each of us perfectly; he created us, and he knows exactly what we need. For me, my strength was important, and the state of my heart had to be joyful. I saw firsthand how jealous of my soul he is, how loved I am, and how the entire host of heaven is PRAYING for me to succeed. Today I want you to know it applies to you too. God is so invested and interested in even the minute details of your life, and he desires a relationship with you that is CONSISTENT. 

I've learned to talk to my Father about everything, from making my hair to a vacation I want to go for or even weaning my daughter (this girl loves boobies eh!😆). No wonder the trinity came together when I was truly weak. God was not looking at my big mouth or the perfection of my ways or if my hubby was at fault. He loves me so much that he knew peace in my home is paramount to everything about me, so he knew something like this would happen, hence the prompt to pray at the beginning of the year, and the trinity was waiting to Jack me up! Right now, we are working on ourselves by the power of the holyspirit. Emphasis on Work. Nobody got anything of value without putting in the work. Prayer does not remove the need to work it makes it doable and easier because you die to your flesh daily. I'll be sharing what this "work" looks like for us on my YouTube channel here. Please subscribe. 

Today, I am calling you into a consistent relationship with God by the help of the Holy Spirit. If you have any doubt, remember that you are LOVED, and this God is crazy about you. In your weakness, Jesus is strong, and the Holy Spirit will always help when you ask. BUT you need to have a relationship to reap the benefits. Leave everything else and craft out your time with the Lord, make it consistent, read books, ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words to pray (even if it's not for this season), and watch how HIS LOVE transforms your life.

Remember, you cannot do this life without Jesus.

I'll see you tomorrow,

With Love,


I've been away for so long, but I'm back to the rhythm of writing starting with a 30-day challenge. I'm putting this out here for accountability. I'll be posting every two days❤️


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