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It's the weekend, Let's get honest. Heart Check!

When we get to the root of your heart, where does your hope reside?
Who do you trust?

A lot of times we put our hope in the wrong things and when it fails, we begin to question everything we believe in.

I've been there.

I remember one time, I was in a relationship and I totally replaced my partner (at the time) with God's place in my life. In short, I fixed my eyes on this guy and his ability to handle everything. I remember I started about four businesses and made life defining decisions, not because I had prayed about it and trusted that God was in control but because I trusted this guy. He was a highly efficient guy. I remember during our short relationship, one time I was having my covenant time, the lord asked me to leave him and I refused. Long story short, he left me with no explanation whatsoever and I was left to handle everything by myself! Tough few weeks of my life because my total dependency was on him. When I got down to prayer, the lord showed me that he was not about to share my trust in him or even YOURS with anybody, man or woman. 

I shifted my trust back to God and the waves began to settle. It's amazing how easier our lives get when our total dependency is on God. He made a way for me, brought me out of the hole I dug for myself, simplified my life and gave me peace. This doesn't mean God doesn't want you to have relationships but he doesn't want you to have any other gods besides HIM. 

Maybe things aren't working out so well for you because you are putting your trust in a person. God is a very jealous God and he does not seek for anybody to take HIS GLORY in your life. Psalms 118:6 says, "the lord is on my side, I will not be afraid. What can mere man do for me?". Absolutely nothing.

Another aspect that tend to hold us back is that we forget whom we belong to and what we are about. In the midst of this coronavirus pandemic or the challenges of life, we forget that we are loved irrevocably, unconditionally and without judgement by a perfectly kind God so we lower our worth by throwing it all in with a human or a thing.

I'm here to remind you that no matter what aspect of "life" you are dealing with, YOU ARE LOVED without condemnation and you can completely trust HIM. I had a little emotional situation two months ago that punched the wind out of my system and I honestly thought I could not survive. This tested me such that the only option I had was to trust God even when it did not make sense. I kept pouring my heart to God, I honestly told him I hated this test. I asked God to give me a way out and he sent me a friend that literally made everything better. My friend took up all the responsibilities involved to make that situation a success and helped me stay on track my goals. I don't even remember those painful three weeks of my life anymore!

God cares about the tiny details of your life and he won't tell "Sissy" about it.

You can trust him and you should. The bible says, "blessed are those that wait patiently for the lord". Trusting him may mean starting a business while working on your dreams instead of getting money through dishonest means. Trusting him may mean, praying for a troublesome spouse and acting lovingly towards them because you know God's got this! 

I recently got the opportunity to further my career and one major kick was I had to start taking some medical courses. Few days ago, I got lazy. I was just about to dump all my responsibilities on my partner and I got convicted by the holyspirit. I asked the holyspirit to help me and remind me of the reason I started this. I eventually did 85% of what needed to be done, finished the rest the next morning and I am super thankful I did. I used to struggle with being focused so taking this on was my way of saying, "lord you know my weaknesses BUT I trust you to glorify yourself in this journey. Help me to do what needs to be done so I can see the results intended for me".

I need to chip in here that, it is okay to ask for help when you need it but God does not want you trusting people in places where you should be trusting HIM. Scratch that, GOD doesn't want you trusting anybody at all!

He gets jealous when we depend on humans instead of him.

Fix your eyes on Jesus. Talk to him about everything. Every tiny detail. I've learned it is only God that can keep me sane enough to act lovingly towards someone that was mean to me(he cares about the little things),so I tell him when I'm upset about anything, sometimes I pray on the spot because some people can turn you into a ninja in a second!

One of my favorite bible verses is psalms 25:3a, "No one who  trusts in me will ever be disgraced". This has proven true in my life and it rocks my boat every time I think of the goodness of my God.

Remove your eyes from the people you're trusting. Fix your eyes on Jesus and you will find the peace and stability you seek. Trust God and only God and he will always come through. Always, he keeps his promises everytime. 

The message today is short and simple:

Trust God alone. For everything and see your life get much easier and peaceful. He's the only one that can get to the heart of a difficult child, stubborn spouse, impossible interview or give you a peaceful marriage. Yes he will strip you of everything you're depending on because HE'S not about to share his glory with anyone but it will be well worth it.

Remind him of his promises. Stay on those promises. Believe and he will always honor you. Remember, psalms 25:3, NO ONE THAT TRUSTS HIM WILL EVER BE DISGRACED.

Heart Check 
1. What areas of your life are you still holding on to? Surrender in trust to God!
2. Who are you trusting? Are you hoping your your pristine performance at work will get you that promotion or are you trusting  God. (You can relate this to anything!)
3. Have you somehow forgotten whom you belong to? Are you going around feeling sorry for yourself or are you holding unto God's truth for your life.
4. When was the last time you talked to God through out the day, even when doing the dishes. He's always there.
5. When was the last time you made reading the bible a habit so you can KNOW God's promises for your life and the truth over your life.

Quick story:
This one time I went out with my sister and I needed to quickly power up my phone(we were in a deserted area, no building,etc). We came across a house and they had power supply. A big beautiful house with fences so high. So I walked up to the gate and my sister kept saying they wouldn't allow me power up my phone. I told her that the bible says,"The righteous shall be surrounded with favour like a SHIELD". Long story short, I got to power up my phone and the man offered us drinks as we sat in his garden. I was so sure we would be let in because I trusted what God said about me. I am righteous, made so by christ.

Trusting God is the only way out.

On a side note, I love this picture of this resort in Bora Bora. I can't wait to visit it! I have a list of 45 things I'll like to do before I turn 30 and this destination is one of them. I will share that in my next post and how to deal with insecurities!

With Love,


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