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African Iris Community!

I'm so excited to finally put this together. so.... some of the few benefits that come with being part of this community is listed below.  More perks will be added as the month rolls  by.

  • Outings will be twice a month and we get to pick where we go to as a group. On the First and third Sunday of every month.
  • Jolly box. On the Last day of every month, members openly say (on the forum) what they need and you will be paired randomly with someone to meet your need. meaning everyone gets their jolly box filled up!
  • There will be accountability vents every Saturday morning. Members get to tell what they experienced, learned or had to deal with the previous week. You get encouragements, help or a hug if need be!
  • There will be contributions (on free will) for birthdays, weddings, etc. by members.
  • we read one book per month and review!

How to get on the train?

  1. Click on this link so your details can be registered. Note that anytime we need to all hang out, your phone number is how you will be reached!
  2. Click on the African iris community link on the blog and subscribe! conversations will be held there!
no fees will be paid. All outings will be paid by said individuals after we have all agreed.

easy as pie! 


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