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Make the most of your week!

Few days into the new year, I had an accident that left me with a wound that I felt was taking too long to heal. I hate to be overly careful about walking or doing anything generally because I set a goal for myself every day and walking around like a snail will not help me achieve much! I had work and businesses to start and run, boy!.... I felt some kind of demon was after me in this new year.

Everyone around me must have heard how upset and disappointed I have been about this wound. I also blamed my friend for my demise because it happened on my way to visit. Truth is, it could have been worse than it currently is.

This morning, I was baring my heart to the lord and I decided to read Psalms 124. my favorite part is ''what if the lord had not been on my side when people attacked me? The waters would have engulfed me, a torrent would have overwhelmed my life. Praise the lord who did not let their teeth tear me apart! I escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken and I am free!'' (I personalize all scriptures). It hit me then that I have been grumpy and I had not kept a very good attitude about all this (attitude is everything) so I focused on doing all I need to do to get well and most importantly I started being (intentionally) thankful that I am not in a wheel chair.

Last week, was tough! I had to care for my health and still work, attend meetings outside work and still give myself emotionally to family and friends. By Friday, I was ready to explode but I remember telling God how drained I felt and THANKED him for all these engagements. I was thankful for my job and all those that literally cannot go on with their day without hearing from me. I was thankful for those I had to be a blessing to and those that make life enjoyable for me. I intentionally gave thanks regardless of how I felt. I just made up my mind to get away and recharge emotionally and spiritually. You cannot pour from an empty cup. On Saturday, the management gave me a bonus for going beyond and over at my place of work this past week. I was so overwhelmed. Talk about God's favor! I believe in doing all you do ''as unto the lord''  and if HE lets people see your effort and commend you for it, then ALL GLORY TO GOD!

Its a new week and I have no idea what you may have to deal with or whatever you are currently enjoying. I do know that what you get out of your week can be set by you alone. I employ you to be intentional this week and be blown out of your mind at what God would do for you. God met my expectations for last week beyond my asking and in a way that I did not even imagine he would do it!

To get more out of your week;

  • Get right with God if you have somehow fallen off the wagon. ''Apart from me, you can do nothing'' John 15:5
  •  write down your expectations for the week! Habakkuk 2:2
  • Get anchor scriptures that agree with your expectations. For example, If you are expecting to get a business deal to go through, you meditate on  Psalms 5:12 and Psalms 34:5. You thank him intentionally for coming through for you by the truth of this word. (This works! it worked for me while I was job hunting. so thankful that season is over!)
  • BE THANKFUL. The bible says everything works together for our good. Be thankful for everything. Someone dear to my heart was telling me yesterday how he cannot wait to leave his current place of work and I said ''be thankful that you had this job to meet your needs and God is taking you to another season where you will be an employer''. I used to be tempted to complain about taking the bus to work (If you live in Lagos, you would understand!), till I intentionally began to thank God that I had transportation and I was always kept safe by him even with how early I had to start my day. Things began to get better. when you intentionally give thanks, you will be surprised at how blessed your week has been when you take stock by Friday!
  • Always take stock of God's goodness by the days' end or week's end. ALWAYS. Trust me on this one. I have a book where I keep track of everything. God has been good to me!
  • Get your attitude right. Not every battle is worth fighting. Forgive easily if you must but guard your heart and keep an atmosphere of peace. You would be so drained if you let undue drama take precedence in your life, even if its boy drama, It is so not worth it!
  • Challenge yourself to finish one good book per week. This helps.
  • Give yourself nothing LESS than three hours per day to invest in your goal. If you are preparing to go for your masters  and you have no money. invest time everyday looking for full tuition scholarships..etc. 
  • Pray and WORK. If you do not go out to apply for that visa in faith, you will NOT be able to move to that country your heart desires. Leave games and movies and start working!
If you have other Ideas of how to make the most of your week, I would love to hear it!

The life you want can only be built intentionally, by adding droplets to your cup every week.
get intentional!


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