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No one is chasing you from the village!!

There was a season in my life that I was such a hot head! I mean, I totally took some things for granted and when the results came through i would begin to wonder why! as if......

Today, I observed some people complaining about their job and how they would not be bothered to put in the extra effort (outside their Job description) to make a project they were working on a success. I was so mad because I did not understand it but then not everyone would always see things from your own perspective. I feel like an old soul sometimes. I guess that is majorly because experiences have wised me up.

I remember vividly when I was asking, No, Praying intensely for a Good job even though I had a business at the time and the holyspirit convicted me. i used to have a job and I would show up late sometimes with silly excuses. When my employer at the time punished me for my poor attitude I walked out of my place of employment that day feeling like the queen of the world! how irresponsible of me. I had to spend eleven months looking and praying for a better Job and in that time I repented and began to PREPARE myself for what I was praying and believing God for. 

When I got my job, I went all out. I started to put extra effort, going beyond my J.D (basically doing over Sabi 😃😂). Three weeks into my Job, I got promoted with a raise. Two months into my Job, I became team lead! Talk about the fruits of responsibility! And all the while, I always asked for a tonne of help from the holy spirit. Did I have days i wanted to quit? Yes! but I never let my feelings determine my productivity. That ship had sailed.

Another one.....

I was in a relationship and it ended in a bad way. We both made poor choices but I want to be accountable for myself alone today. I had a foul mouth which I used to bash this man all the time. I did not respect our commitment and I said yes to him at the time for all the wrong reasons, one of which was he was very good looking 😐😐 (talk about misplaced priorities!) Things went south and I ended it. I decided to trust the lord for better.
The beginning of last year I remember asking God to give me a Man that was after his heart. I told God that I wanted to see Christ in the way he would Love me. I prayed all through Last year and one day the lord told me '' Ada you have to let me prune your vine''... what!????  ''Okay, first of all nothing is wrong with me, it's all these guys that have the issues''... I argued with the lord. When I finally allowed the lord to work on me, I found out that I had to;

  • Find Jesus and have a working relationship with Him.
  • find myself. 
  • Date myself. 
  • Love myself. 
  • Learn to take care of myself and spoil myself.
  •  Look for things I enjoy and make me happy.
  •  Find what path I wanted to take in my career.  
  • Find out my deal breakers.
  •  I had to enjoy my singleness with the lord, Listen and Obey him...
  • Before the lord would let this man find me
And in the midst of all this, I had to also prepare in advance spiritually, financially and mentally for what I was praying for (in this case, to be a wife). i began to read books and pray for my husband in faith (I still do). I surrendered to the lord, found my worth and the first thing He did was give me a good job. I mean, I had to use money to take care of myself, right?! hahahhhaha. All the while he was preparing me. I'm in a healthy relationship now, defined and it is everything I asked God for. I am literally so excited at how God changed me to fit the answers to my prayers. If you do not do things differently, you will never see productive results in your life.

I know what it feels like to wait for a silent season in your life to pass. I know what it feels like to also wait in expectation for an answer to your prayer. I also know how it feels like to want to get all your desires in a day or come to chapter twenty five of your life when God is just getting you started on chapter two. It requires a whole LOT of patience (which by now you know the lord is steadily building in me. LOL!) and Change. 

But truth is, you need to change some things you are currently doing to see different results.

You cannot be irresponsible about your finances during the days after payday and expect to meet your financial goals for the month or year. You cannot take your spouse for granted and expect to be treated like a king/queen. you cannot be unfaithful at your job and expect a raise or promotion, You cannot cheat on every man or woman God brings your way and expect the lord to bless with a man/woman after HIS heart. God will protect that man/woman FROM YOU...yelp!  You want a better Job? Don't be foolish enough to quit your current one, instead add value to yourself by maybe taking courses online, make applications then you can move.  Our God is a God of accountability and Order. Diligence is greatly rewarded even in heaven (proverbs 22:29). 

''For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction''  Newtons third law.

The first thing I thought when I read this in high school was.. hogwash! But this is so true and applies to real life more than you can imagine and also cuts across all areas of our lives. I always believed that God's grace is the reason to not get responsible with my affairs or become accountable for all my actions and decisions but I quickly learned that is not so. We still need to put in the work. Grace gives you the ability to do what you would not normally do by yourself.
 For example, I used to find it so difficult to forgive and let go of grievances, Not any more! God's grace has enabled me forgive and love someone from afar even as I guard my heart.

Its a new year and a lot of prayer points are going up, expectations and goals are being set. I hope you learn from my story that if you do not take responsibility and do the right things, This year will end Just as it started. Want to lose weight? Stop eating all the junk and reduce your food portion! There is no magic to this thing. If you want to buy a car say in June, write down what you earn, calculate what you need to set aside every month to meet this goal and discipline yourself. Even if that means you won't eat in your favorite eatery for six months. Get intentional and do what you need to do, nobody is chasing you from your village! hhahahahhahhah!.

You want change? It's time to do things differently.



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