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lets just say that the whatsapp character is too short for me to convey all my thoughts in one sitting so I decided to start a blogpost! hahahahah LOL! okay that is so not true but hey.....

My name is Ada and I totally love writing. This is  purely a passion project that I have put off for far too long.
 I will be writing on;

1. Relationships (that centers around work, romance, parents, etc)
2. Money
3. work/business
4. fun stuff

.... and anything  else the lord lays on my heart.

If you're wondering what the name African iris means, its a flower that basically thrives under any condition and still manages to be as beautiful and elegant as possible. These qualities define me.

My greatest desire is that you read my stories and be changed by it or be better for it.

I will try to post everyday or at two days intervals. 

see you in my next post!


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