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From Chaos to Clarity: A Testament to God's Love in the Midst of Adversity

I've heard this Bible verse so many times that it didn't hit me until a few months ago: "He cares about even the minute details of our lives." This is in Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV). In the first quarter of the year, the Lord led me to pray for strength in the face of adversity and to pray against chaos/division in my marriage. I didn't understand why, seeing that my husband and I were in a GREAT place, navigating our differences with such finesse that would make people jealous! Like we were good, really good, and all was sunny and beautiful in my home. We even had productive discussions about what our "culture" in our home should look like, and we agreed on so many things, including communication and dealing with anger. Agreeing and doing the work were two different things. After we had agreed, mishaps kept coming up, but the Holy Spirit kept helping us remember our culture, so it was mainly a case of dying to pride and selfish tendencies for this new order
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Help! I HATE this person

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Your Child will have jaundice

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Times and Seasons....

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Let go of the Past!

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How to forgive Sincerely

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New month,New you? How to get the most out of a new month!

Happy new month!  I'm so excited that we have the gift of a new cycle. A time to start all over again, a time to go back to our mood board and restructure. How do you start your month? Do you just go into the month with no plan or direction  OR are you part of the lot that makes all the plans BUT few days into the new month, you're back into old habits. This used to be me.  It's almost impossible to drag our "flesh man" (our physical body) to do the right thing because it LOVES to be comfortable.  I've learned that if I want to see changes in my life, I have to do something differently. Especially positive changes. I remember this one time I had a business, just before I moved abroad temporarily and the sales were increasing almost daily! I struggled with consistency and this affected my business negatively. Today, I would post, interact with customers and do the right thing. Tomorrow? If I'm not feeling it, I just blank out. Whe