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Showing posts from 2019

What it means to trust!

Trust did not used to come easy for me. I had a default mode: If I need something done, then I would rather do it myself because I did not trust any other person to do an excellent job like I would do. But you see... with this kind of attitude, you cannot get anywhere with God or even a love relationship. It is almost impossible for humans to trust their total dependence on another because they believe that they can handle things better which is not far from the truth but with God this is so different. Trusting the lord simply means obedience to his word and direction even when it does not make sense. Yes! When I ask my child to get off a  high chair and he obeys, he trusted me enough to listen even though he was enjoying himself on that chair because I know better than him.  I had an incident in my final year in the university. So I wrote an exam is my 300level and I was graded an F. When the results for the whole session was out, I got eleven As, one B, one C and one F. I

African Iris Community!

I'm so excited to finally put this together. so.... some of the few benefits that come with being part of this community is listed below.  More perks will be added as the month rolls  by. Outings will be twice a month and we get to pick where we go to as a group. On the First and third Sunday of every month. Jolly box . On the Last day of every month, members openly say (on the forum) what they need and you will be paired randomly with someone to meet your need. meaning everyone gets their jolly box filled up! There will be accountability vents every Saturday morning. Members get to tell what they experienced, learned or had to deal with the previous week. You get encouragements, help or a hug if need be! There will be contributions (on free will) for birthdays, weddings, etc. by members. we read one book per month and review! How to get on the train? Click on this link  so your details can be registered. Note that anytime

Make the most of your week!

Few days into the new year, I had an accident that left me with a wound that I felt was taking too long to heal. I hate to be overly careful about walking or doing anything generally because I set a goal for myself every day and walking around like a snail will not help me achieve much! I had work and businesses to start and run, boy!.... I felt some kind of demon was after me in this new year. Everyone around me must have heard how upset and disappointed I have been about this wound. I also blamed my friend for my demise because it happened on my way to visit. Truth is, it could have been worse than it currently is. This morning, I was baring my heart to the lord and I decided to read Psalms 124. my favorite part is ''what if the lord had not been on my side when people attacked me? The waters would have engulfed me, a torrent would have overwhelmed my life. Praise the lord who did not let their teeth tear me apart! I escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap

Your Grass is as Green as you water it.

' 'A pe aceful heart leads to a healthy body. Jealousy is like cancer in the bones'' (Proverbs 14:30NLT) Few years ago, I was in a place where I let social media and any one else that ''looked'' like they had their life totally put together (better than me at the time) determine how my own life should go and how I totally felt about myself. This was so deep that I totally let a relationship that should not have made it past hello go beyond the first few dates because in my head, we looked good on the media together.. pssssh! Total bullocks! I made money and bought some things I probably did not need at the time just to let some certain people know that I had ''arrived'' (as if they cared!😂). Every move I made, had some sort of agenda behind it and it was born out of a lot of comparison, insecurity and what nots! I remember when someone close to me got married and I decided that was the next agenda on my list, Just to prove that I cou

No one is chasing you from the village!!

There was a season in my life that I was such a hot head! I mean, I totally took some things for granted and when the results came through i would begin to wonder why! as if...... Today, I observed some people complaining about their job and how they would not be bothered to put in the extra effort (outside their Job description) to make a project they were working on a success. I was so mad because I did not understand it but then not everyone would always see things from your own perspective. I feel like an old soul sometimes. I guess that is majorly because experiences have wised me up. I remember vividly when I was asking, No, Praying intensely for a Good job even though I had a business at the time and the holyspirit convicted me. i used to have a job and I would show up late sometimes with silly excuses. When my employer at the time punished me for my poor attitude I walked out of my place of employment that day feeling like the queen of the world! how irresponsible of me. I

I learned a thing or two about LOVE today.

For the past two days, I have been feeling empty...literally.  Now, as a believer this kind of feeling is not good or healthy for me because I also did not feel like praying or reading my bible. I also did not feel like going to work or being productive as a whole. I tried to pray but it was bland... you know like.. ''thank you lord for my life...Good night''.. lol. One thing you should know is I love everything I do to have a purpose. As a matter of fact, if I have decided to pray at say 12pm, I write down what I want to pray about or people I want to pray for in advance (look at God turning my OCD around for good!😊, FYI I love to plan and organize and before I got saved, when things do not go exactly as I have laid out, I freak out and make everyone feel horrible for it... but not anymore, that ship has sailed and I am learning everyday to trust God.)  Back to the topic... So today I literally laid my heart before God and repented of the source of my emptiness.


lets just say that the whatsapp character is too short for me to convey all my thoughts in one sitting so I decided to start a blogpost! hahahahah LOL! okay that is so not true but hey..... My name is Ada and I totally love writing. This is  purely a passion project that I have put off for far too long.  I will be writing on; 1. Relationships (that centers around work, romance, parents, etc) 2. Money 3. work/business 4. fun stuff .... and anything  else the lord lays on my heart. If you're wondering what the name African iris means, its a flower that basically thrives under any condition and still manages to be as beautiful and elegant as possible. These qualities define me. My greatest desire is that you read my stories and be changed by it or be better for it. I will try to post everyday or at two days intervals.  see you in my next post!